Attendance Types

Attendance Types

You can add as many attendance types as required and depending on if you want to set up alerts or restrict clocking by IP address. 

Example of a home office employee with a 40 hour week. 

[Name] is the name that appears in dropdown selection when applying these settings to the employee 
[Work start time] Contracted start time i.e. 8:30
[Work end time] Contracted finish time i.e. 17:30 (you may wish to set this to 17:15 to prevent emailing staff who clock out 2 minutes past finish time)
[Allow employee to clock in and out] Set to "Yes" to allow employees to clock in/out using the website
[Send clock in reminders via email] This will email the employee if they don't clock in by the start time and if they don't clock out be finish time.
[Restrict clock in / out to IP address] This will only allow them to clock in/out from a device that is connected to a network or wifi with a set IP address. You might want to use this so that employees can only clock in/out from your office. 

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